Bilingual Book Review: 3フレーズでOK!メール・SNSの英会話

Book title: 3フレーズでOK!メール・SNSの英会話

著者:David Thayne (デイビッド・セイン)


2017年2月10日 第1刷発行


本の前半には、“Would you like to …?” や “I was wondering if …”といった12の基本フレーズが載っており、その使用例も書かれています。後半では、基本フレーズを基に、具体的な場面でのフレーズの使い方が解説されています。基本フレーズを使った実際のメールのやりとりも載っているのでわかりやすいです。


Do you sometimes have the opportunity to send emails or Line messages in English? When we use Line or SNS we send lots of short sentences. During such conversations do you ever worry about what you should say or how you should say it? Well, this book was written so that when you message in English you will be able to write clear, simple and easy to understand English.

The first half of the book covers 12 foundational phrases, like, “Would you like to…?” and “I was wondering if…” and examples of how to use them. The second half builds on those foundational phrases to explain other practically useful expressions. There are even examples of real online conversations using those key phrases in the book so it’s very easy to understand.

Even those who don’t have many opportunities to send messages in English will find lots of everyday English conversation expressions in the book. They ought to be of real help to anyone studying English. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, why not give it a try?

Buy the book here.